Saturday, May 22, 2010

Good Day

Today...well, I guess it was actually yesterday now...but it was a really good day. The weather was fantastic, and I spent the day doing fun things with my two fellas. Just the kind of day I love most. We started the day at the March of Dimes March for Babies, which was great, and then hung around at home for a while (nap time for B, mainly) before heading out for an early dinner. Lovely!

I have had a tendency, times in my past, to freak out after a really good day, in a, "Oh my God, something bad is going to happen now!" kind of way. Crazy, I know. But I have. But interestingly, that seems to be one area of my lifelong battle with anxiety that seems to have improved somewhat since getting married and having B. I have gotten better at just appreciating the good days, and treasuring them and being fully present in them. What a nice feeling, since really, truly good days don't usually happen as often as we'd like them to, and really should be enjoyed when they do happen.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bone Marrow Donation

If this were my precious boy, I would hope desperately for the kindness of strangers, so I'm passing this along. Please consider ordering a kit. It's free.

Friday, May 14, 2010

FOX 5 Special: Unhealthy Hospitals

FOX 5 Special: Unhealthy Hospitals

This story centers around some friends of mine in Atlanta, who lost their seven week old micro-premie daughter to a MRSA infection in 2007. There is some great stuff with their two surviving daughters, and it's a great piece in terms of making people aware of this infection.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lovin' Life...

As anyone reading this more or less knows, I suffer from anxiety. As a result, I tend to perseverate on whatever I'm attributing the anxiety to in a given moment. It's a really good time. Among the drawbacks of this is that I sometimes have a tendency to get out of the moment. And when that happens, I fail to appreciate how much I'm ENJOYING a given moment. Good example - I have been sitting here all morning, obsessing on how I can become a better mother and a better sales person at the same time...I was thinking about what B and I will do today and how I'll balance the two, and I was thinking about my days with B, in general. And suddenly, I realized how much I really LOVE my days with him. It's not that they are without their difficulties. He's two, after all. But there is just a genuine enjoyment to my days that I sometimes lose sight of, in favor of worrying. So, I just wanted to record this for future me (a la last night's episode of HIMYM). I love my new gig. There, I said it.