Saturday, April 5, 2008


I've had the same best friend, more or less, since I was seven years old. I feel like that's somewhat rare in this day and age. We're really more like family at this point than friends. We drive each other crazy sometimes, we've had our clashes, we've gone for stretches not talking (not long stretches, mind you). But we've always made it back to being best friends. We rely on each other in a way that we can't rely on anyone else. We have a certain sensibility and sense of humor that we instinctively "get" with each other. And it's so comforting to have that - to know that I can write a three word email and she'll know exactly what I'm talking about - to know that I can cause her to dissolve in hysterics with a slight hand gesture signifying some years-old inside joke.

We went for drinks on Thursday night - our first cocktail night since I had my son. It was such fun. Then yesterday, I caught the scene in How Stella Got Her Groove Back when Angela Bassett's character is visiting Whoopi Goldberg's character in the hospital and Whoopi's near death. Scenes like that always kind of tear me up because I always think - what would I do if I lost my best friend? I mean, yea, I have the same thoughts when someone in a movie loses her husband or mother or child, but today I'm talking about my best friend. It just brings home the fact that I count on her in a million little ways that most of the time I don't even give a thought to. There is a certain kind of feedback that only she can provide. It's funny how you can know someone your whole life and most of the time, you don't even think to thank them for the million little things they might do for you, you know? So, I guess I want to thank my bff for being the funniest girl I know, the girl who got me through a million little heartaches, the girl who never judged me for my moments of bad judgment, the one who believed in me a million times I didn't believe in myself.

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