Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Zen Master B

I think I've mentioned here before that my son is generally a very laid back child, and that I could learn from his ability to roll with the punches. I was thinking about that today, when it was brutally hot in our house and I was becoming more enraged by the minute when our air conditioning wouldn't work, while he was sunny as could be, giggling just to cheer me up. His approach to life is with gusto and a smile. Granted, this might be largely because he's seven months old, but even as such, he is an exceptionally mellow kid. It's yet another reason I find him to be such a blessing. When I take life too seriously and get myself into a dark place, one of his smiles or giggles can turn it right around for me. I mean, how lucky am I?! Today, I was in such a horrid mood, and he just started giggling and he kept right on giggling until I forgot what I was in a bad mood about in the first place. My little Zen master, showing me that joy can be found in simplicity and that the material world is unimportant as long as we have our inner smile. Or giggle. Whichever.

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