I had so much going on this weekend that I forgot that originally, I was going to post Saturday about the fact that it was the 10th anniversary of the day I moved to Atlanta. I cannot believe that was ten years ago. That just seems crazy.
That, along with various events this past week, has reminded me that life is short (and goes by fast), and it is precious, and it is so important to make the most of it. It is so important to live the life you want to live. It's so important to believe you deserve that life and to chase it down and hold onto it with everything you've got.
Last night, B had a tough time sleeping, so we were up late. I happened upon ABC Family. There was a replay on of that guy Joel Osteen who has that hayooge church in Houston, TX. I'm not generally someone who would watch a Christian sermon on television, but occasionally, one of his will catch my attention enough that I'll check it out for a few minutes. I kind of dig his positive message. So much of Christianity, and especially Catholicism is based in negativity - judgment, guilt, etc., that it turns me off. But this guy preaches positivity. He makes Christian seem like a good thing to be, without making other religions seem like inherently bad things to be. Anyway (those of you who know me to be a left wing, hippie dippy spiritualist can pick your jaws up off the floor now), the reason what he was saying last night caught my attention for a few minutes was that he was talking about recognizing that faith entitles you to good things in life. It was just an interesting way of putting things. Basically, he was saying that we should put our trust in God to help us through our trials, and that he will lead us through them (not necessarily a new concept) and that we can achieve peace of mind by realizing we deserve this (that's the new part). I don't know. Several people who are very important to me had very difficult weekends for different reasons, so this idea just really hit the spot for me, spiritually, last night.
It also kind of goes along with what I've been thinking about so much lately about being a more positive person. Negativity doesn't really do anything for us, does it? So, why spend our lives in the dark place? Why NOT trust that things will get better? Why NOT trust that, if we hit a rough patch, it's just that, and that God (or whatever you believe in) will bring us through it and we'll reach the happy place on the other side? I mean, shit, it'll make life more fun, at the very least.
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