Today is the ninth anniversary of my grandfather's death. I really can't believe it's been almost 10 years. It seems like just yesterday. He was such a force in our family, and was certainly my favorite person. He had an uncanny ability to make you feel like you were the most special person in the world - the only one who mattered to him. So many of my best and happiest memories of childhood and early adulthood include him. Many of them are of just sitting with him while he rubbed my head and sang 'You Are My Sunshine.'
Most of you probably already know this story, but that's okay. The day Bucky died, we knew he didn't have long, so I decided I'd better head to my sister's house (we were living in Atlanta at the time). In December of 1999, Creed was omnipresent on the radio. So, it wasn't unusual that their song 'Higher' should be on the radio. And I'd never given the song or the band much thought. But in that moment, when I heard that song, which is about heaven, I just had a feeling that it was a message from Bucky. Sure enough, when I got to my sister's house, my brother in law was in the driveway waiting for me, and he told me Bucky had passed away while I was on my way over. Further cementing my belief that the song was a message from him is the fact that on many occasions since then, when I've needed a little lift or reassurance, that song has come on the radio. It becomes more meaningful as time passes, since Creed is...not as omnipresent nowdays. The day we were driving B home from the hospital, we heard it. And it was like a little nod from Bucky that he was watching over my new family.
I still miss Bucky every day. My hope for everyone I care about is that they have a source of such pure, unconditional love in their lives. We all deserve someone who inspires in us a reaction of pure joy and comfort. Even nine years after he left the physical world, I am still comforted by the love and guidance he offers me, in his way.
To you, Buck! xoxoxo
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