Saturday, February 13, 2010


I remember so well how, when I was single and hadn't yet met E, I was so utterly fascinated by people in relationships. I just never really got how they worked. I never was much of a long-term relationship girl before E, so I remember being genuinely fascinated with how relationships worked. I would watch people and just wonder what it was like to know how that whole process worked. I would watch couples interact and wonder, "Will that ever be me?" And, deep down, I knew E was out there. I could feel him out there, waiting for me, just like I was waiting for him. But there was another part of me that doubted. There was the part of me who wondered how, when I truly didn't understand that relationship "thing" how I could ever be part of one.

I've noticed recently that I do the same thing with people who are in careers about which they truly feel passionate. I drink them up the way I used to drink up romance. I am so fascinated by how they got to that place. How did they KNOW? And of course, "Will that ever be me?" Will I ever find that thing that fills me with passion? I think I will. I'm a fairly passionate person, so I do think there's something out there that will excite me and fulfill me professionally the way my relationship with E and my motherhood of B do personally. I do. It's just hard to conceptualize right now. But if I learned anything from the development of my personal life, it was not to doubt that that magical thing will come together, if that makes sense.

Meanwhile, happy Valentine's Day, E!

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