Tuesday, September 21, 2010


"Well, we can't say for sure that this caused the miscarriage...but it didn't help."

That's what my endocrinologist said yesterday about the timing of the previously mentioned thyroid relapse diagnosis and subsequent (by literally one day) pregnancy. Explanations are supposed to provide closure, right? This one didn't. It felt like a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. I've spent so many years worrying that my thyroid disease would prevent me from having healthy pregnancies, and finally, it prevented one. Maybe. Probably.

Overall, I'm doing well moving on from this. It happens. It's happened to more people I know than not, in fact. So, I don't think this news really sent me into a tailspin or anything. It is what it is.

Plus, the other night, I had a dream about my grandfather. It'd been a really long time since I'd had one, but the other night in my dream, he was smiling and he hugged me and rubbed my head the way he used to, and he told me everything was all right. And I believed him. Because from him, "Everything's all right," is all the explanation I ever need.

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