Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trying to Be Coherent

I saw this via twitter a little while ago, and I've been feeling sick and fighting off tears ever since. I realize this guy is a wing nut and I probably shouldn't even take him seriously, but I just can't ignore the horribly misogynistic overtones of this bill.

I understand that a lot of people are anti-choice. I even understand why. I do. Like I said yesterday, I think it's important for abortion to be legal, but I hardly expect other people to agree with that stance on an issue that is so fraught with emotions. And I understand that this type of wing nut views Roe v. Wade as too difficult to try to overturn, and so the alternative is to create bills like this one.

What makes me want to cry about this bill is the thought of someone having come to me after my miscarriage, an event you all know devastated me emotionally, to "investigate" it, to ensure it was "spontaneous." The bit about asking family members what caused the miscarriage especially sickens me. I can imagine someone going to E and asking him, "What did your wife do to cause this?" I mean...he would've landed himself in jail for punching a cop if he'd been asked that. And furthermore, as I've documented here, no one knows what caused my miscarriage. So, does that mean that this guy thinks I would be under suspicion of murdering my embryo? Chilling, isn't it?

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