Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 I'm in a group of women who meet once a month to talk about life, and about what we want out of it that we aren't currently getting, and how we can get to where we want to be. I love our conversations. They always help to re-focus me and to remind me that I'm not alone in the things I go through. This past year in particular, solidarity is key.

Among the topics we discussed today was how difficult it can be to be creative during this time when there is SO MUCH to focus on. It's like there's so much input that it actually makes it more challenging to create output? I've been beyond blocked for most of the past year. There is so much I'd like to say, but I cannot for the life of me find the right words. And anyone who knows me knows how crazy that drives me. 

I've been consuming other people's creativity and art at an astounding rate. I've read more books and watched more movies and shows, enjoyed more photographs, than I probably ever have in a year's time. And yet, when I sit down to write, nothing comes. 

I recently watched a show wherein the main character discovers her inner poet. It got me thinking about my days as a poet. I'm not going to pretend that I was any good. I have my poetry stored somewhere, and I'm sure reading it would make me cringe like no other. But I do miss the act of writing a poem. The puzzle of fitting words together just so. I need that type of creative outlet now, when life is so stressful. 

Writing has always helped me to process life. It can soothe the raw nerve of a hard experience. A good song and a notebook used to be my safe space. I've mentioned many times that I started this blog as a kind of proxy for the notebook. And you guys, I really need to use it as such. My brain is so crowded and everything in it is spinning so fast. Writing helps me to slow the thoughts down and make sense of them. Being blocked means everything gets stuck up there. It's a big ole mess. 

Will I keep to it this time? I guess we'll see. 

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