Monday, May 18, 2015


It's been an insanely busy spring around here. This weekend, E1 graduated from Babson with an MBA. I'm so unbelievably proud of him. He worked his butt off to go to school while working full time and being a present  husband and father. He's amazing, you guys.

This was my first season as a full time employee with March of Dimes. I've worked five walks in two states so far. It's been a whirlwind. A fun, stressful, exhausting whirlwind. I feel like I've been a little absent from other parts of my life, so if you are in those other parts, I am sorry I've been MIA.

I also committed to running the Falmouth Road Race in August, to fundraise for March of Dimes. I haven't run a race in a long time. Like, pre-kids long. I had gotten back into regular running the summer E2 was 1, and then I got injured and took a hiatus. Then, I got back into regular running again before my Dad died. And then I stopped. I got into other types of exercise for a while and it was great. But I tend to forget when I'm not doing it regularly that running has a totally different effect on me, mentally and emotionally, than any other type of exercise. It's brutally hard for me. But nothing else I've tried feels the same afterwards. Like I've conquered something.

We've been dealing with the official ADHD diagnosis for B, and what that means. There is a lot to it, and it's hard, but it's not really a surprise, and I think knowing what we're dealing with is a sizable part of the battle.

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