Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Miss You

I had a girls' night on Saturday night. It was a GREAT time. My husband and son spent the weekend up in VT with my in-laws, since I was away Saturday night. So, they were gone Friday to Sunday. Then yesterday morning, my husband left for Texas for three days. So, essentially, I haven't seen him since Friday and won't until Thursday (he gets home at some ridiculous hour tomorrow night). I am not a fan. I miss him. I even miss his snoring! My brother in law travels an average of four days a week and my sister manages, but my husband goes out of town for a couple days and I go to pieces. We're just different, I guess. I'd just rather have him around. He's kinda cute, you know?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Insomnia AGAIN

Dude. This is just getting ridiculous. Tonight, I went to bed at 11:00. Finally fell asleep sometime between 11:30 and 12:00. At 1:00, the phone rang. When I picked up, there was no one there. Five minutes later, it rang again. Picked up, no one there. But the damage was done. It's now 4:20 and I still haven't fallen back to sleep. Seriously. What is up?!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Father's Day

Growing up, Father's Day was always fun in our family. A lot of years, we would gather in my parents' back yard and play bocce or basketball or both. I was a daddy's girl and a grandpa's girl (or, more precisely, a Bucky's girl) growing up, so any day I got to spend with both of them was a good one. Plus, it usually fell sometime right before school ended, which was always a favorite time of year.

This year is my husband's first Father's Day. I'm excited for a day to celebrate what a fantastic job he's doing. He is an amazing father and I'm so lucky to have him to be a parent with. My son just absolutely adores his daddy and it's such fun to watch.

I ordered him an e-gift card and Sears (where I ordered it from) has managed to completely botch it enough that it's probably going to screw up my husband's first Father's Day gift. I ordered it from there because they are having a grill sale and my husband wants to buy a new grill. The sale ends tomorrow, and when I just talked to them on the phone (for the third time today) they informed me that it'll be at least tomorrow before the confusion gets cleared up...meaning there's a decent chance my husband will miss the sale. So, Sears has effectively lost my business going forward. Well done, Sears.

But annoyances aside, I'm glad there is a special day (even if said day was invented by Hallmark)to thank him for everything he does. My son and I are very, very blessed to have the world's greatest Daddy right here in our very own family.

Monday, June 9, 2008


I remember hearing or reading somewhere once that when you wish really hard for something, sometimes God (or the universe, or the divine, or whatever) tests you before giving it to you. If you say, "I would do anything for [fill in the blank]," then God goes, "Yea? So, prove it." I remember hearing about this with respect to true love. Like, you say, "I would do anything to find my soulmate," and God says, "Ok....then do this&this&this&this&this and then we'll talk." And the theory is that that is why your life sometimes gets extremely crazy right before the right person comes into it. And I know mine certainly did. The summer before my husband and I got together for good was, let's just say, not easy. Looking back, most of the craziness was just my tying up loose ends with various on and off romantic partners, so that when the time came, I wouldn't have any lingering questions. And I didn't, so the turmoil I went through with those boys who were not meant for me was well worth it.

But it doesn't just apply romantically, at least not for me. Any time I've been on the brink of getting something I really want, I go through a period of upheaval. I can think of several examples. It's always been a sort of darkest before the dawn type of thing. And I think it's what's going on right now. Not that things are so dark right now. On the contrary, my life is an embarrassment of riches, in terms of the blessings I've been granted. But there is a sort of upheaval going on, a lot of it internal, and I think it's because I'm going through the test period before something wonderful comes my way. That's what gets me through times like this...remembering that the best times in my life have always been preceded by some upheaval. So, I'm going to keep knocking down whatever bowling pins God throws up in front of me until I get to where I want to be. Just like I always have.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hot Hot Heat

So, in all likelihood, pretty much anyone reading this already knows, but just in case...it's really hot out. The entire northeast region of the country is in the middle of a heat wave complete with intense humidity. I can't even bear to be outside, really, or I start to feel my migraine coming on. It's just gross. This got me thinking about the fact that, 10 years ago this summer, I moved to Atlanta, where I lived for three summers. In Atlanta, a day like today isn't even noteworthy for the heat. In Atlanta, a day like today is...June. Granted, most places you go in Atlanta are air conditioned. But I was thinking about how, when I lived there, I did spend time outside in the summer. One summer, I worked at a bar with a patio, slinging drinks out on said patio, where it was certainly not air conditioned. And even beyond that, I would go with friends to the Mexican place up the street from us, Los Rancheros, and drink insanely cheap margaritas, or eat insanely cheap Mexican food, often outside, in the middle of summer. I think I became kind of inured to the heat. I just do not remember it bothering me quite the way it does now. Maybe I'm getting old, or maybe it's hormonal. Who knows? Maybe it's just that I've come back to my Yankee roots and can't take the heat anymore. But whatever it is...it's hot. And since I don't feel like experiencing that blinding pain behind my left eye, I think I'm going to stay inside for the rest of the day.