Sunday, May 18, 2008


I haven't written here in a couple weeks. I've been in kind of a down cycle lately. I've been so exhausted and uninspired. I try to be a positive person, and especially lately, I've been trying to be more positive, but the past couple weeks, I've been struggling with that. I just get flat out exhausted, and I think that makes it more difficult to stay positive. Work has been frustrating too, so that doesn't help. If I have to spend time away from my son, I want it to be at least time well spent, you know? And sometimes, I feel like I'm just swimming against a current in my career. I want to find that thing that I'm meant to do. I know it's out there, just like how I used to want the right person to come along, and then he did. I know that right career path is out there. And I know what it is. I just need to stop hiding and make it happen. I think there is a part of me that is afraid to go for it, because if it doesn't pan out, then what would I dream of, you know? But the thing is, I know it will pan out. I do. I know it with everything in me. There isn't a shred of doubt. It's just like I've been holding myself back...and I don't know why. And then I have phases like I'm in right now when I feel mentally exhausted and my inspiration is all dried up. I've got to find a way to recharge, so I can go out there and get my career going.

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