Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have problems with stress. Always have. I'm constantly working on it. Constantly working on how better to process stress, how better to look at things positively, how better to live in a state other than anxiety. And overall, I'm making progress, but the fact remains that I'm a work IN progress, so occasionally, I still have flare ups. And today was a pretty stressful day. Nothing I can't handle, but there was a lot going on. B had to have an ultra-sound on his belly (turns out he has a viral infection that has caused his spleen to swell slightly - not expected to be a big deal), and there was some stuff at work that was stressful. And when there's a confluence like that, it's hard. I know everything is going to turn out just fine. I know it is. But that doesn't make it less stressful, as much as I might wish it did.

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