Friday, September 11, 2009


Today, I'm remembering people I never actually met. I'm remembering people like Sean Lugano and Welles Remy Crowther- whose stories I've heard only through their siblings- who lost their lives in the towers on 9/11 while attempting to help others get out safely. I'm also remembering the thousands of other people whose stories I don't know specifically, who lost their lives in heroic and horrific ways that day. And I'm remembering the emotional toll on those of us who didn't lose our lives, but our innocence.

And I'm thanking the people who continue to risk their lives to keep us safe from a horror like that repeating itself. If I started naming those people, this entry would get way too long, way too quickly. But you all know who you are, and I hope you know how much your hard work and sacrifices mean to the rest of us.

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