Saturday, May 22, 2010

Good Day

Today...well, I guess it was actually yesterday now...but it was a really good day. The weather was fantastic, and I spent the day doing fun things with my two fellas. Just the kind of day I love most. We started the day at the March of Dimes March for Babies, which was great, and then hung around at home for a while (nap time for B, mainly) before heading out for an early dinner. Lovely!

I have had a tendency, times in my past, to freak out after a really good day, in a, "Oh my God, something bad is going to happen now!" kind of way. Crazy, I know. But I have. But interestingly, that seems to be one area of my lifelong battle with anxiety that seems to have improved somewhat since getting married and having B. I have gotten better at just appreciating the good days, and treasuring them and being fully present in them. What a nice feeling, since really, truly good days don't usually happen as often as we'd like them to, and really should be enjoyed when they do happen.

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