Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lovin' Life...

As anyone reading this more or less knows, I suffer from anxiety. As a result, I tend to perseverate on whatever I'm attributing the anxiety to in a given moment. It's a really good time. Among the drawbacks of this is that I sometimes have a tendency to get out of the moment. And when that happens, I fail to appreciate how much I'm ENJOYING a given moment. Good example - I have been sitting here all morning, obsessing on how I can become a better mother and a better sales person at the same time...I was thinking about what B and I will do today and how I'll balance the two, and I was thinking about my days with B, in general. And suddenly, I realized how much I really LOVE my days with him. It's not that they are without their difficulties. He's two, after all. But there is just a genuine enjoyment to my days that I sometimes lose sight of, in favor of worrying. So, I just wanted to record this for future me (a la last night's episode of HIMYM). I love my new gig. There, I said it.


rb said...

you forgot the pictures of the b***s. :)

also, nicely done. I had to look up perserverate, and that doesn't happen very often.

rb said...

perseverate, i mean. see, really don't know the word at all.

MommyWriter said...

Riiiight, riiiiight.

Thanks! It's actually a Poowls fave. :)