Saturday, January 28, 2012


It's sunny and kind of warm today (especially considering it's January in NH), which always gives me the feeling of coming out of hibernation. During the frigid (and usually snowy) winter months, we kind of tend to hunker down and not do as much. This becomes particularly true when we have babies, or at least it does for me.

But I was realizing today that I've isolated myself more this time around than I did last time, even though this baby is older this winter than B was during his first winter. I think it probably has more to do with my emotional state than anything else. It hasn't been a conscious thing, but I think I haven't been as focused on my social life as I would normally be.

In most of my friendships, I tend to be the one who keeps contact. That's not a passive aggressive slap to any friends of mine who are reading this. Far from it. It just is what it is. I tend to be the needy one, for one thing, and therefore, I'm generally the one who makes sure contact is kept up and that plans are made occasionally, etc.

Thus, I realized today how many of my friends I haven't seen in ages. How many of them, even, haven't met E. I kinda miss my homies. I hope spring time and my improved mental state rectify this situation.


rb said...

I can't help but chuckle b/c once again, we're in a "hmm, let's just swap for a second" kind of place. I really enjoy hibernation mode in the winter time, so I'm a bit stressed that for two solid months we have not had a break from plans. Wedding, holiday parties, actual holidays, two consecutive weekends out of town, 1st birthday, it's just been nuts. I am looking forward to hunkering down a bit in Feb. and March precisely so that I CAN resume contact. Hopefully things slowing down on my end will coincide nicely with the socializing picking up on your end, so that we can meet in a happy middle and do some fun stuff!! xo.

MommyWriter said...

So funny!

I do just feel like I've been off balance with it lately. I just kind of looked up and realized there were several people I hadn't interacted with outside of FB in several months. Oops.