Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hot Hot Heat

So, in all likelihood, pretty much anyone reading this already knows, but just in's really hot out. The entire northeast region of the country is in the middle of a heat wave complete with intense humidity. I can't even bear to be outside, really, or I start to feel my migraine coming on. It's just gross. This got me thinking about the fact that, 10 years ago this summer, I moved to Atlanta, where I lived for three summers. In Atlanta, a day like today isn't even noteworthy for the heat. In Atlanta, a day like today is...June. Granted, most places you go in Atlanta are air conditioned. But I was thinking about how, when I lived there, I did spend time outside in the summer. One summer, I worked at a bar with a patio, slinging drinks out on said patio, where it was certainly not air conditioned. And even beyond that, I would go with friends to the Mexican place up the street from us, Los Rancheros, and drink insanely cheap margaritas, or eat insanely cheap Mexican food, often outside, in the middle of summer. I think I became kind of inured to the heat. I just do not remember it bothering me quite the way it does now. Maybe I'm getting old, or maybe it's hormonal. Who knows? Maybe it's just that I've come back to my Yankee roots and can't take the heat anymore. But whatever it's hot. And since I don't feel like experiencing that blinding pain behind my left eye, I think I'm going to stay inside for the rest of the day.

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