Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yea, I'm Braggin'. What of it?

I am a truly lucky woman. I am blessed in so many ways. I have B, whose charms I've written of extensively. And I also have B's daddy. E is everything I could ever have dreamed of in a husband and then some. He is, in so many ways, my perfect complement. He is supportive of me in all ways and all things. And that isn't always an easy feat. He is the person I can count on to talk me down when I'm spinning. He is the person I can count on any time of the day or night. And as a stress-induced insomniac, that's really key. He is sweet and kind an intelligent. He has more integrity than anyone else I know. In case I haven't said it often enough, thank you, E. You rock my world.

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