Friday, April 16, 2010

Showing My Age

I was at the library (pronounced lie-bee-bee) with B the other day. We were looking at books, and there were several with check-out dates from the late 1980's. This, obviously, was when I was a kid. Suddenly, it hit me that to HIM, the 1980's will seem as long ago as the 1950's seemed to me as a kid (since my mom was roughly the same ages in the fifties that I was in the eighties). I mean...OUCH. Of course, logically, I knew this already, but sometimes when thoughts like that hit home, it just makes you go, "Whoa."

And then last night, I was watching the SNL special on NBC. And they showed lots of clips of the musical guests, of course. And seeing Dave Grohl and Billie Joe Armstrong made me think about the fact that these two guys (and so many others) were, you know, youngsters when they first came into our consciousness, and now they're...not. Let alone Bono. I mean....So, it's just another one of those things that really highlights the passage of time, you know? It just seems so strange to me that the nineties were so long ago. But they were.


rb said...

What always catches me off guard is that even the year 2000 was so long ago! Like, really a palpably different time in terms of things like fashion, production values in TV/movies, gadget technology, etc. Jarring!

MommyWriter said...

Dude, I know. And...even THAT was a year AFTER our trip to L.A. OUCH.