Monday, October 20, 2008

What Dreams May Come

Last night, I had one of those nightmares that seems to last all night and is so vivid that you wake up exhausted and terrified. I've had a pretty similar dream a few other times in my life, and each time the effects of it seem to linger, at least through the day. All day, I felt anxious and a little frightened. So, when I got the call that B was being sent home from daycare, it was even more distressing than usual, just because of the mood I was already in.

I know that stress causes nightmares. I've also read about the role our psyches play, as well as the possibility of past life regression through dreams (hey, who knows?). Suffice to say, I don't know all the causes for what we dream. And I think it's probably best not to read too much into it, because it can really freak you out.

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