Saturday, March 7, 2009


I'm tired of writing posts like these. Yet another family I love is suffering through the turmoil of losing someone to cancer. You've probably picked that up from my last few posts. My brother's fiance's father has fought a very tough seven month battle against colon cancer, and it looks like the cancer is winning. His once bullish doctors have prepared the family for the end. And it's just so unfair and brutal and miserable. I want never to write a post like this again. I want no one I know ever to be touched by this insidious and evil disease ever again.

In the meantime, please pray for this family, and for this man, who has been an absolute beacon of positivity even as his body has not responded in the ways he's wished.

Update: Literally minutes after I originally posted this, my brother called to say his father in law to be had passed away. I'll write a more complete post later.

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