Sunday, September 21, 2008

Take a Hike, Negative Nelly!

Earlier today, I got into a nice, little negative funk. I wrote an accordingly negative blog post. Had it all queued up to post. And then I thought, "Whoa. Let's back up a second, and get into a better head space." I am really trying not to put too much negative stuff "out there" so to speak. Instead, what I'm going to put out there is that I have faith that the things in my life that are difficult and that are causing me unhappiness are coming to an end. I know that things will resolve themselves. I know that I will figure out what needs figuring out. I will find my way into a better living situation and working situation, and I'll find a way to be able to spend more time with B (and E, for that matter), and to do something for a living that I truly love and believe in. I know it'll happen. I know that the difficult stuff the past few months has been part of an important learning time for me. It's hard to see the lessons as we're going through them, but that's the whole point of going through them, right? So, I am putting out there that I truly want to find solutions to this stuff. There, I said it. :)

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