Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy [almost] Birthday to Me...

I made a lot of mistakes to get to this point in my life. I broke hearts. I had my heart broken. I drank too much; I smoked too many cigarettes. I went too far, too fast with guys I didn't know well enough; I hid the real me from people I could've and should've trusted. I spent money I didn't have and saved money I should've enjoyed. I didn't advocate enough for myself in my career at times and at others, I bit off more than I could chew. I obsessed over my weight to such a degree that I couldn't like myself at times, and I allowed myself to be too sedentary at others. I forgot to pick up prescriptions...

So, how is it that when I look back at the first 31 years of my life, I don't have regrets? I think it must be that those mistakes were such an important part of what got me to this place. I look at my son and my husband and I realize that if I hadn't made those mistakes, I might not be here with them.

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