Sunday, January 13, 2008

Snowdays with Water & Batteries, Wheeee!

We're expecting a big snow storm starting tonight. On our way home tonight, my husband said, "Maybe we'd better stop for water and batteries." It made me remember a friend I had a long time ago who, when you liked someone a lot, would say, "Like, water & batteries?" When I asked him what it meant, he said, "Like, if you had a weekend with him, all you'd need would be water and batteries." That expression always stayed with me because it cracked me up...that image of hunkering down with the object of your affection as if it were some kind of disaster scenario. But I guess it's also sort of accurate - when you really want to be with someone, I think you can be content just with that person and minimal supplies. I know I'm pretty psyched to be snowed in with the family. But only because we have plenty of water and batteries on hand.

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