Monday, January 28, 2008

Okay, listen.

There are a vast number of reasons I wish the WGA strike would be resolved. There are so many people out of work due to this strike and it's terrible. But I also have a selfish reason. I am back at work now and I'm exhausted at the end of the day. TV is a comforting presence to me. I LIKE coming home to watch my TV. I LIKE having TV to watch while I'm feeding my son at night. I LIKE having new shows to look forward to that actually required someone to WRITE them. I mean, I also understand that the people who edit reality shows work hard. That's a whole other can of worms actually - a lot of those folks get zero benefits, which is why those shows are so cheap, and that's not right either. But I digress. I was so excited at the beginning of hte fall season. There were so many great shows starting! Yet here we are on a Monday in January, and I'm watching re-runs of old Friends episodes. Hurry up and settle, studios and networks!

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